Monday, February 11, 2008

What time of day is the best to take a pregnancy test?

What time of day is the best to take a pregnancy test?

It is better to take the test in the morning as hcg is higher in the body. But at a later stage of the pregnancy ,say 2 months , a test taken at any time during the day will be accurate.

How many days from conception do you have to be before a home pregnancy test will definitely be accurate?

It takes approximately 36 hours for the sperm to fertilize the egg. That is about 1 day and 1/2. I would say wait at least 1 1/2 or 2 weeks before you take a pregnancy test so the results can come out accurate.

What will happen if you take a home pregnancy test before your period is due?

It will probably come out negative. Unless it is really close to your period starting, then it may come out positive, if you are. The best way to get correct results is to wait until the day before, the day of, or the day after you are supposed to start your period. Or go see a doctor for a blood test

If you are 10 days late and have signs of pregnancy but several HPTs and a blood test were all negative what are the odds that you are pregnant?

You are probably not pregnant, but you should go see a doctor about missing a period. That is not normally healthy for a women not to have her period. It is possible for a urine and blood test not to "detect" a pregnancy, but not very likely.

What are the chances that a miscarriage was not found at the 12-week checkup?

Prenatal Care is very accurate and doctors and various tests as well as fetal heart pulse are consistently is very unlikely that if indeed there was a miscarriage at twelve weeks that it would not be dectected on visits.

How soon will a blood test show if you are pregnant?

usually a week or two after your missed period.

If you were pregnant and tried to abort but you find blood in your urine with some clots when can you re-test for pregnancy?

You can retest right away. The blood is probably part of the abortion. I don't know a lot about abortions. If you have concerns go back to the doctor that gave you the abortion.

Can you be pregnant if the second line was faint on two home pregnancy tests?

Most likely. Wait a week and take another test. You may need to pee longer on the stick. The second line is usually the control line. Meaning it is there pregnant or not. If you still get a faint line, call your doctor, but if there's a line that says you're pregnant, you're probably pregnant.

Does a blood test for pregnancy also tell you how far along you are?

Based on how high the hcg level is, a good guess can be made about the length of your pregnancy. Your doctor should do a vaginal sonogram to determine gestational age thus determining the due date.
However, higher levels of the hormone HCG are often found in the case of multiples. (twins etc.) Lower levels of HCG may indicate the egg has inplanted in a place other than the uterus. (Fallopian Tube = Etopic Pregnancy)

Is it possible to bleed when you are pregnant?

Some women do bleed a very small amount when the fertilized egg implants into the uterus. But not all women do. And it should only be a small amount for a day, maybe two. If you are unsure if you are pregnant, take a home test or go see a doctor.

Can a thyroid problem cause false positive pregnancy tests?

No, probably not. Go see a doctor and find out for sure if you are pregnant. And if you aren't, why you are getting 8 false positives.

Is it possible to have a false negative result even if it is on the first day of your missed period?

Yes, it is possible to still be pregnant. Wait another couple of days and take another one. If you are still late and the tests are negative, go see a doctor. But I am normally a very regular person and I was a week late the last two months. So it is possible to be late and not be pregnant.

How soon can you take a pregnancy test without being late on a period?

Some home tests you can take a few days before you are supposed to start your period. I don't know what kinds, but if you read the box, it will tell you when you can take it. Or you can go to the doctor and they can give you a blood test. These can determine pregnancy much sooner than a urine test.

Can a pregnancy test come back negative if taken too soon?

Yes, because there may not be enough of the pregnancy hormone present in your body and urine as of yet.
For some women even a week after a missed period can even be to early to detect pregnancy hormones. Also hpt doesnt always work. sometimes you have to take blood test to determine if you are pregnant. Take the test and it is negative try again in another week.

Is it possible to feel kicking or movement in your abdomen after having 3 negative pregnancy tests?

Anything is possible. A baby kicking/moving feels an awful lot like gas (really) so if you suspect your pregnant but the tests are coming back negative, I would recommend that you see a doctor or midwife for a blood test and possibly for an ultrasound. Stranger things have happened so while it's unlikely, sure, it could happen.
How do you know you have conceived?

· Wait to see if you get your period. If you don't then you take a hpt.
· Next time you see your doctor, ask them for a pregnancy blood test.

Does smoking marijuana influence pregnancy test results?

No. The use of marijuana doesn't influence the results of a pregnancy test.
Can drug use affect the results of a pregnancy test?

The instructions on the home pregnancy test I checked say that the only drug that should affect your test is if you get an HCG shot.

How accurate is the EPT test if done after missed period?

They are pretty accurate, but she should wait a few days to a week and take another one. If she still hasn't had a regular period, she should go to a doctor. Stress can cause irregular periods.

If you are taking Depo Provera for birth control can it affect the results of a pregnancy test?

Depo-provera is like any other form of birth control ... you just don't have to remember to take a pill everyday. Even if you are on this type of birth control, your results on a pregnancy test shouldn't in any way be affected because there is a hormone that a pregnant woman produces in early pregnancy. This hormone is actually the hormone that detects whether you are pregnant or not. It's best to do a pregnancy test after you've had a missed menstrual cycle although a test can turn up possitive within 10 days of concieving. If you have missed a cycle, I would contact your doctor to get a confirmed answer.
How many pregnancy tests should you take?

Home pregnancy tests are only 50% reliable if you are not pregnant, but almost 100% reliable if you are pregnant. In other words, they are not very reliable. (They are much more likely to tell you that you are pregnant if you are not than to tell you are not pregnant if you are.)
It is better to see a doctor to have a blood test and ease your stress.

Could your HCG level go up because of what you eat or something else if you are not pregnant?

HCG IS not related to dietary intake. Certain fertility drugs could cause hcg levels to rise.
How soon is a home pregnancy test accurate?

A pregnancy test can be positive before you even have missed a period. Many tests can provide positive results within 10 days after you become pregnant, however it is usually best to wait until you've missed a period because the HCG hormone (the hormone found in early pregnancy)will be stronger which in that case will give you definite results.

When is the earliest you can take a pregnancy test?

Most tests can be taken one day after a missed period. Some can be taken sooner. Read the boxes and it will let you know.
If one line on a pregnancy test was very faint but you

How soon will a urine test show if you are pregnant?

Your home pregnancy test will usually not display a positive result until a day or two after your expected period (not a large enough hormone level in your body to be detected). You may just be stressing yourself out (that is why you are not sleeping/depressed). Best of luck to you.

What is the earliest time a pregnancy be detected and when can a blood test detect the pregnancy?

The earliest time a pregnancy be detected is about 3 weeks thats when your hormone level is up and it is easier to detect a blood test can detect the pregnancy from about 2 weeks it is more accurate as well.
Could you be still pregnant if your home test comes out negative and you get your period?

Yes, you could still be pregnant. Home tests are only 50% accurate in telling you whether you are or not when it comes out negative, but if it comes out positive then it is 99.9%, because there is a hormone your body produces only if you are pregnant called hCG but it can be very low at first in some women and a home test usually only picks up on it when it reaches 20.

How do you read a home pregnancy test?

When you do a HPT read the instructions carefully. Make sure the absorbent tip is properly soaked and then put the cap on within one minute. You shold see a clear line, or two if pregnant.

Is there any way to know if you are pregnant other than taking a test if you still have periods?

It is still possible to be pregnant but it depends on your symptoms and how soon you took a pregnancy test.
Some people believe it is very rare to have a period while being pregnant. However, it isnt that rare. Its more comman than most people think. I know someone who, up until her fourth month in pregnancy was having her period and in her second pregnancy she had her period for the full nine months!
Its best if you take a pregnancy test or visit your doctor for a blood test or failing that have an examination.

Is it possible to get a false positive when you take a pregnancy test at a clinic or hospital?

Anything is possible; however, they're usually always right. Sometimes home tests may not be able to detect the pregnancy hormone. If you are pregnant, congratulations, and be very happy!

Can you be pregnant if the test is negative?

Yes, you could be pregnant. Your best bet is to go to your doctor and get a serum hcg test done.

How many weeks does it take to know if you are pregnant?

For a home test you need to be at least one day late starting your period. I don't know for a doctor given blood test. Hope this helps!
For a doctor given blood test they suggest that you wait 3-5 days after your missed period. However, the test may be taken as soon as you suspect that you are pregnant.
What is HCG?

HCG is the hormone that is produced by the placenta during pregnancy. This hormone is what a pregnancy test detects. It stands for Human Chorionic Gonadotropin. During a normal pregnancy, the HCG levels will steadily rise throughout pregnancy.

How soon can you find out if you are pregnant without waiting for your next period?

Go to a doctor and have a blood test.
Most home pregnancy tests cannot be taken until at least the first day you miss your period. However, one of the newer kinds does promise results a few days before your period is expected. Nevertheless, a blood test is much more accurate.

How soon can you hear a baby's heartbeat?

Detecting a Heartbeat
The baby's heart beat can be seen on an ultrasound at around 7 weeks, and if you are very slim MAY be heard on a doppler from 9 or 10 weeks.
Here is more advice and input:
· Most Heartbeats can be heard by 15/16 weeks.
· My doctor wasn't able to hear my babies until I was about 3-4 months pregnant.
· It is most generally possible to begin to hear the baby's heart beat at the beginning of your second trimester, however sometimes it is possible to hear it a couple of weeks before or after these daytes as well. It most likely depends on the size of the baby and how quickly it is growing in each individual person. I personally heard my baby's heart beat the first time at 14 weeks with my first, 13 weeks with my second and 10 weeks pregnant with my current pregnancy.
· You can start to hear the babies heartbeat through ultrasound as soon as 6 weeks into your pregnancy! A doppler can start to pick up a heartbeat at around 10-14 weeks into your pregnancy. A stethoscope can be used to hear the baby's heartbeat late in the pregnancy.
· If you have an early scan it can be seen from about 6 weeks. If listening with a doppler and you are very slim sometimes (not always) it can be heard from about 8 weeks. A midwife listening with a Pinard can hear it from about 22-24 weeks.
· You may be able to see it on an ultrasound at about 7 weeks but unless you are very thin you won't be able to hear it with a doppler until about 10 weeks, possibly later. Until 12 weeks the uterus is still in the pelvis and the heart is very small and the machine has to be pointed directly at the heart so the sound is reflected, unlike a microphone.

How Soon to Test for Pregnancy

How long do you have to wait after having sex to take a pregnancy test?
How Soon to Test for Pregnancy

Usually, you're supposed to wait until you miss a period to take a home pregnancy test. Once you're sure you've missed it, you can take one.

Here is more input and advice on the subject:

· You need to wait for your period to start or you will not get the correct results. Some newer home pregnancy tests do promise results a few days before you period is expected, but those may not be as reliable.
· You really should wait for your period to be late to be sure that it's been long enough, that being said and understanding the need to know. Some of the more sensitive tests on the market allow you to test up to 4 days before your period is due.
· Usually it takes about two weeks after having unprotected sex to take a pregnancy test.
· Periods usually vary on enviromental facts such as stress. If you are anxious to see whether you are pregnant or not and don't want to wait then take a home pregnancy test. It takes about a week for the fertilized egg to travel down from the fallopian tube to the uterus, where the egg implants in the lush, prepared uterine lining. It is only at this time that a pregnant woman's body begins to release the pregnancy hormone, HCG (human chorionic gonadotropin).
· You should wait about 7-10 days just to be sure the sperm did not attach with the egg at any point in time.
· The best time is after you realise that your period is late as your hormone levels will be able to be seen by the test. You can take this as soon as you realise that you may be a day late.
· With the new EPT test you can test 24 hours after missing your period.
· Minimum: 7 days. This is the first possible chance of showing positive. You are more likely to show positive after 14 days though. So if you get a negative at 7 days, keep testing until you get your period to be sure.
· If you WANT to be pregnant wait until you have missed a period then test to confirm. Frequent testing is a waste of time and money. Also if you test positive before a period then your period comes, it will be more upsetting than never knowing. (About 40% of women have a period never knowing they had conceived) If you DON'T want to be pregnant take a test aboout 10 days after sex (3 days before a period) as the sooner you know the sooner you can do something about it.
· If you had sex without protection during your ovulation time 7 to 14 days after you cycle ends then you should wait until you next cyle is due to take a test some will let you test a couple days early read your HPT box to find out.
· About 10 days. The embryo has to have time to implant. However it is better to wait until after a missed period as up to 50% of pregnancies are lost with the first period, with most women not realising they were ever pregnant.

Can you tell if you are pregnant 2 weeks after you have unsafe sex?
Pregnant After Unsafe Sex?

You can take a pregnancy test one day after you are late for your period. Everyone is different so I can't give you a date to take it. It doesn't matter how old you are though. Wait until you are late and take a home test. If you are still unsure go see a doctor. I don't know what area you are in, but there are usually free clinics you can go to to get tested and help. They can also help you choose a birth control that will work for you if you plan to continue to have sex. Try looking up "planned parenthood" or "pregnancy" in the yellow pages of your phone book. Good luck and please use protection from now on. Or just don't have sex, then you never have to worry about being pregnant. Condoms are cheap and easy to get and use. I hope this helps answer your question, please be safe.
· I would wait until you miss a period, or if your period isn't "normal". Take a HPT. If it's still negative and you still feel symptoms of pregnancy go to the doctor. He can do a blood test. It could be your Hcg was too low to detect. But you will at least know!
How can you tell if you are pregnant?

Take a pregnancy test. Home pregnancy tests aren't accurate until you are at least one day late for your period.

You can also get a blood test. Go to a doctor.

1. Tender breasts: Many women report increased sensitivity, fullness, or heaviness within a few days. By two weeks after conception, your areolas (the pinkish or brown skin surrounding the nipples) may start to enlarge.

2. Spotting: Scantier than a period and sometimes mixed with a yellowish discharge, a small amount of bleeding may occur when the developing egg implants itself in your uterine wall. No Periods.

3. Fatigue: Can't keep awake at work? If you feel tired even after a good night's sleep, your body may be going through the changes of early pregnancy.

4. Nausea: Don't think of it as "morning sickness," since it can strike at any time of the day or night. It might feel like a slight case of seasickness or a full-fledged stomach virus -- or you may not experience it at all.

5. Bloating: Many women mistake this early sign of pregnancy for PMS; the tip-off may come when your period doesn't arrive.

6. Increased urination: You may need to go to the bathroom more than usual, a symptom that will return in spades during your last trimester.

7. Stretching of pelvic ligaments: During the course of a normal pregnancy, the uterus will grow to about 1,000 times its prepregnant size (imagine a pear turning into a basketball). Some women feel their pelvic ligaments stretching to make room for this growth to occur.

8. Food cravings: If you suddenly find yourself ravenous for citrus fruits, red meat (even if you're a vegetarian), or potato chips, don't assume it's all in your head. Pregnant bodies may crave increased amounts of vitamin C, iron, and salt -- among other things -- even from the very beginning.

PLEASE NOTE :This is not intended to be a substitute for informed medical advice or care. You should NOT use this information to diagnose or treat any health problems or illnesses without consulting your pediatrician or family doctor. Please consult a doctor with any questions or concerns you might have.

How long should you wait before taking a pregnancy test?
With all the controversy over false negative pregnancy tests, it seems to be best to test right away after missing a period or having light spotting only for your period, and even if you get a negative, treat yourself as though you're pregnant if you're still missing your period, wait a week, and test again. Treat yourself like you're pregnant with taking vitamins, eating healthy, avoiding alcohol and certain medications, not smoking or being around people who smoke, until you either get a blood test to confirm negative or get your period. I'm 10 days late now, getting a lot of the symptoms, and still get negative results on the hpt. I visit the doctor tomorrow to get a blood test.
What is the earliest you can take a pregnancy test?

The first time you miss a period, you should go and take a pregnancy test.
Doctors say it won't be reliable for 7-14 days.

Is there still a chance you could be pregnant if the test was negative?
If a Pregnancy Test was Negative

Yes, if your period still hasn't started, then test again in a week. Perhaps your pregnancy hormones are not strong enough to show up on the test.

Here is more input:

· YES. It is known that a home test is more accurate in telling you you are pregnant then telling you you aren't. If a pregnancy test says you are pregnant then it's 99.9% accurate, but if it tells you you aren't its only 50%. Some bleeding during pregnancy is not uncommon, "break-through bleeding, implantation bleeding, irritated cervix" to name a few ... but there are also a few cases where some women, and this is very few, whose body went through all the stages of pregnancy formed a sac and placenta but no embryo. Although that is very unlikely it is not impossible. Most likely you are pregnant though, so GOOD LUCK next week and post back the news if you can!

· Yes, you can still be pregnant when a HPT comes out negative. I have had it happen to me.

· My hormones aren't very strong. Last year, I knew I was pregnant because I hadn't had my period for two months. I took the test and it came out negative. I went to the doctor, and they made me take a pregnancy test, and it came out negative and I told them to please take my blood. I came home and wait for few hours then I called there and the blood test came positive.

· It's almost 100% accurate if the pregnancy test shows positive, and it's barely 50% if the test shows negative. You can still be pregnant if the test comes out negative. I do not trust the home pregnancy if it comes out positive or negative because it could be a false positive.

· I think home pregnancy tests are pretty accurate if you take them after you've missed your period. If you haven't missed a period yet, but feel like you may be pregnant, it's too soon to take a home test. I've taken some home tests in the past and they've all been 100% accurate, but I've also heard of them being inaccurate. I've heard exactly what one poster mentioned above: if they say positive, they're very accurate, but it's possible to get a false negative if hCG isn't present in the body yet. However, with some exceptions, most people find home pregnancy tests to be just what they are advertised to be: 99% accurate if taken after a missed period.

· It has been my experience that you can be pregnant if your pregnancy test comes out negative. I have a four year old son and when I was pregnant with him (unknown to me at the time). I took a pregnancy test in June, negative. Another one in July, negative. One in August, came back negative. I took one in September, negative. Finally I took another one in October and it came out to be positive. The very first test I took was at a doctors office. I got false positives up until I was five and a half months pregnant.

· Yes, you can still be preggie and get a BFN. I'm five weeks pregnant and I got 2 negatives before I finally got my BFP!

Is a blood test for pregnancy more accurate than a urine test?
Yes, urine tests test for hCG levels in women and A LOT of women have low hCG levels so the tests come out negative even though they are positive.
How long does it take to find out if you are pregnant?
I had unprotected sex for 3 times this month on the 12, 18 and 25 day. We have just started trying for a baby. I have taken 4 home tests (OK, I couldn't wait!) and they were all negative. Today is the date that my period should normally arrive, and I have tummy cramps and all pms signs. I have not had any pregnancy signs, except from bloating and sore breasts. I am in agony... Can anybody drop any piece of advice/support?
I can't help with an answer but I'm right there with you! We've just started to try, and this time I've got all the signs of PMS/early pregancy. How cruel is nature making them similar in so many ways?

I took a home test on the second day of my missed period which came out negative which was gutting. I had all the signs but like you, I couldn't help myself. Having said that, 3 days on and there's still no period. I hope that you get the answer you want. I'm trying to convince myself that when it's the right time, it will happen... Not easy really.

How soon can you take a home pregnancy test?

Doctors say home pregnancy tests are not at all reliable until 7-14 after conception.

Early pregnancy test can now ba taken 5-4 days before period should start. If you dont know when you start your next period but you know when you had unprotected intercourse take the test 19 days after sex. If you don't know when you had unprotected sex but you know when your next period should due take the test a week after your period was supposed to start (but it didn't). If you don't know either of them wait 45 days after the first day of your LAST menstrual period.

However, the tests are MOST accurate around when your period is already 10-15 days late. Before this time you MAY get a FALSE negative result.
I had a BIG FAT POSITIVE on the mrning my period was supposed to come. My friend didn't test positive until a week after.

Every women is different and we all concieve and have implantation at different times.

How soon can you find out if you are pregnant?

With a home test, you can tell after you've missed your period. With a few kinds, you can get a correct reading a few days before you are supposed to start. Read the box, it will tell you on there what kind it is. Or you can go to a doctor and get a blood test. Blood tests can give you an answer a lot sooner than a urine test.