Monday, February 11, 2008

How Soon to Test for Pregnancy

How long do you have to wait after having sex to take a pregnancy test?
How Soon to Test for Pregnancy

Usually, you're supposed to wait until you miss a period to take a home pregnancy test. Once you're sure you've missed it, you can take one.

Here is more input and advice on the subject:

· You need to wait for your period to start or you will not get the correct results. Some newer home pregnancy tests do promise results a few days before you period is expected, but those may not be as reliable.
· You really should wait for your period to be late to be sure that it's been long enough, that being said and understanding the need to know. Some of the more sensitive tests on the market allow you to test up to 4 days before your period is due.
· Usually it takes about two weeks after having unprotected sex to take a pregnancy test.
· Periods usually vary on enviromental facts such as stress. If you are anxious to see whether you are pregnant or not and don't want to wait then take a home pregnancy test. It takes about a week for the fertilized egg to travel down from the fallopian tube to the uterus, where the egg implants in the lush, prepared uterine lining. It is only at this time that a pregnant woman's body begins to release the pregnancy hormone, HCG (human chorionic gonadotropin).
· You should wait about 7-10 days just to be sure the sperm did not attach with the egg at any point in time.
· The best time is after you realise that your period is late as your hormone levels will be able to be seen by the test. You can take this as soon as you realise that you may be a day late.
· With the new EPT test you can test 24 hours after missing your period.
· Minimum: 7 days. This is the first possible chance of showing positive. You are more likely to show positive after 14 days though. So if you get a negative at 7 days, keep testing until you get your period to be sure.
· If you WANT to be pregnant wait until you have missed a period then test to confirm. Frequent testing is a waste of time and money. Also if you test positive before a period then your period comes, it will be more upsetting than never knowing. (About 40% of women have a period never knowing they had conceived) If you DON'T want to be pregnant take a test aboout 10 days after sex (3 days before a period) as the sooner you know the sooner you can do something about it.
· If you had sex without protection during your ovulation time 7 to 14 days after you cycle ends then you should wait until you next cyle is due to take a test some will let you test a couple days early read your HPT box to find out.
· About 10 days. The embryo has to have time to implant. However it is better to wait until after a missed period as up to 50% of pregnancies are lost with the first period, with most women not realising they were ever pregnant.

Can you tell if you are pregnant 2 weeks after you have unsafe sex?
Pregnant After Unsafe Sex?

You can take a pregnancy test one day after you are late for your period. Everyone is different so I can't give you a date to take it. It doesn't matter how old you are though. Wait until you are late and take a home test. If you are still unsure go see a doctor. I don't know what area you are in, but there are usually free clinics you can go to to get tested and help. They can also help you choose a birth control that will work for you if you plan to continue to have sex. Try looking up "planned parenthood" or "pregnancy" in the yellow pages of your phone book. Good luck and please use protection from now on. Or just don't have sex, then you never have to worry about being pregnant. Condoms are cheap and easy to get and use. I hope this helps answer your question, please be safe.
· I would wait until you miss a period, or if your period isn't "normal". Take a HPT. If it's still negative and you still feel symptoms of pregnancy go to the doctor. He can do a blood test. It could be your Hcg was too low to detect. But you will at least know!

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